Sedeño L, Couto JB, Melloni M, Canales-Johnson AF, Yoris A, Velásquez M, Barttfeld P, Sigman M, Kichic R, Bekinschtein T, Ibanez A.  How do you feel when you can’t feel your body?: Interoception, functional connectivity and emotional processing in Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder. PloS One 2014

Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder (DD) typically manifests as a disruption of body self-awareness. Interoception defined as the cognitive processing of body signals has been extensively considered as a key processing for body self-awareness. In consequence, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether there are systematic differences in interoception between a patient with DD and controls that might explain the disembodiment symptoms suffered in this disease. To assess interoception, we utilized a heartbeat detection task and measures of functional connectivity derived from fMRI networks in interoceptive/exteroceptivo/mind wandering states. Additionally, we evaluated empathic abilities to test the association between interoception and emotional experience. The results showed patient´s impaired performance in the heartbeat detection task when compared to controls. Furthermore, regarding functional connectivity, we found a lower global brain connectivity of the patient relative to controls only in the interoceptive state. He also presented a particular pattern of impairments in affective empathy. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental research that assesses the relationship between interoception and DD combining behavioral and neurobiological measures. Our results suggest that altered neural mechanisms and cognitive processes regarding body signaling might be engaged in DD phenomenology. Moreover, our study contributes experimental data to the comprehension of brain-body interactions and the emergence of self-awareness and emotional feelings.

Soto- Brandt G, Portilla Huidobro H, Huepe D, Rivera-Rei A, Escobar J, Salas Guzmán N, Canales-Johnson AF, Ibanez A, Martínez Guzmán C, Castillo-Carniglia A. Validity evidence of the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) in Chile Adicciones. 2014 10.1093/scan/nst108

En este trabajo analizamos la validez (fiabilidad y consistencia) de la versión español de Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) en una muestra de 400 usuarios de servicios de tratamiento drogas y alcohol ambulatorios y residenciales. La consistencia interna, el coeficiente de correlación intraclase (CCI) para la comparación test-retest y las pruebas de validación externa arrojaron valores adecuados, demostrando buenas propiedades psicomátricas del ASSIST.

Roca M, Manes F, Gleichgerrcht E, Ibanez A, González Toledo ME, Marenco V, Bruno D, Torralva T, Sinay V.  Cognitive but not affective Theory of Mind (ToM) deficits in mild Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS). Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology 2014

Objective: We studied theory of mind (ToM) in patients withmild relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS), seeking possibledissociations between its 2 components: cognitive ToM (theability to infer others intentions) and affective ToM (the abilityto infer others emotional states). We analyzed the relationshipof ToM to executive function, depression, and fatigue. Background: Dissociations between cognitive and affective ToMhave been found in several neurologic and neuropsychiatricdiseases. Most ToM studies in patients with MS have showngeneral ToM deficits but have not analyzed the cognitive andaffective aspects individually. Methods: We used the Faux Pas test of ToM and tests of executivefunction to assess 18 patients with mild relapsing-remittingMS and 16 control participants. Results: Our patients showed deficits in cognitive ToM, but theiraffective ToM seemed to be spared. Their cognitive ToM deficitswere not related to executive dysfunction, depression, or fatigue. Conclusions: Our study is the first differential analysis showingcognitive but not affective ToM deficits in mild relapsing-remittingMS. Further research is needed to determine the exactnature and the real impact of these deficits, and to establish theirrelationship with the neuropathology and progression of MS.

Richly P, López PL, Gleichgerrcht E, Flichtentrei D, M Prats, R Mastandueno, Bustin J, Cetkovich M.  Psychiatrists’ approach to vascular risk assessment in Latin America. World Journal of Psichiatry 2014

Psychiatrists’ approach to vascular risk assessment in Latin America. Autores Richly P, López PL, Gleichgerrcht E, Flichtentrei D, M Prats, R Mastandueno, Bustin J, Cetkovich M.  Año 2014 Journal  Richly P, López PL, Gleichgerrcht E, Flichtentrei D, M Prats, R Mastandueno, Bustin J, Cetkovich M.  Volumen 4(3): 56-61 Abstract   Otra información    

Ibanez A, Kuljis R, Matallana D, Manes F.  Bridging psychiatry and neurology through social neuroscience. World psychiatry 2014

Bridging psychiatry and neurology through social neuroscience. Autores Ibanez A, Kuljis R, Matallana D, Manes F.  Año 2014 Journal  Ibanez A, Kuljis R, Matallana D, Manes F.  Volumen 13(2): 148-149 Abstract   Otra información  En este trabajo se resalta el rol multinivel de la neurociencia social para construir puentes entre los cuadros psiquiátricos y neurológicos a través de la presentación de … Leer más

Ibanez A, Richly P, Roca M, Manes F. Methodological considerations regarding cognitive interventions in dementia. Frontiers in Aging Neurocience 2014

Methodological considerations regarding cognitive interventions in dementia. Autores Ibanez A, Richly P, Roca M, Manes F. Año 2014 Journal  Ibanez A, Richly P, Roca M, Manes F. Volumen 6:212. Abstract   Otra información  Las intervenciones cognitivas en la demencia son un aspecto esencial en la rehabilitación. Sin embargo sus efectos no han sido adecuadamente respaldados en la mayoría de las investigaciones … Leer más

Ibanez A, Parra M.  Mapping memory binding onto the connectome’s temporal dynamics: Towards a combined biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2014

Mapping memory binding onto the connectome’s temporal dynamics: Towards a combined biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease. Autores Ibanez A, Parra M.  Año 2014 Journal  Ibanez A, Parra M.  Volumen 8:237. Abstract   Otra información  En este trabajo proponemos que tras la caída de la hipótesis de cascada amiloide en al enfermedad del Alzheimer (EA), la conectividad cerebral distribuida … Leer más

González-Gadea ML, Tripicchio P, Rattazzi A, Báez S, Marino J., Roca M, Manes F, Ibanez A. Inter-individual cognitive variability in children with Asperger’s syndrome. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2014

Multiple studies have tried to establish the distinctive profile of individuals with Asperger’s syndrome (AS). However, recent reports suggest that adults with AS feature heterogeneous cognitive profiles. The present study explores inter-individual variability in children with AS through group comparison and multiple case series analysis. All participants completed an extended battery including measures of fluid and crystallized intelligence, executive functions, theory of mind, and classical neuropsychological tests. Significant group differences were found in theory of mind and other domains related to global information processing. However, the AS group showed high inter-individual variability (both sub- and supra-normal performance) on most cognitive tasks. Furthermore, high fluid intelligence correlated with less general cognitive impairment, high cognitive flexibility, and speed of motor processing. In light of these findings, we propose that children with AS are characterized by a distinct, uneven pattern of cognitive strengths and weaknesses

Gelormini C, Almor A.  Singular and plural pronominal reference in Spanish. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 2014

In two self-paced, sentence-by-sentence reading experiments, we examined the difference in the processing of Spanish discourses containing overt and null pronouns. In both experiments, antecedents appeared in a single phrase (John met Mary) or in a conjoined phrase (John and Mary met). In Experiment 1, we compared reading times of sentences containing singular overt and null pronouns referring to the first or to the second mentioned antecedent. Overt pronouns caused a processing delay relative to null pronouns when they referred to the first antecedent in single but not in conjoined phrases. In Experiment 2, we compared reading times of sentences containing overt and null pronouns referring to singular or plural entities. Plural null pronouns were read faster than their singular counterparts in conjoined conditions. Plural overt pronouns were read more slowly than their null counterparts both in single and conjoined conditions. We explain our findings in a framework based on the notion of balance between processing cost and discourse function in line with the Informational Load Hypothesis.

Richly P, López PL, Gleichgerrcht E, Flinchtentrei D, Prats M, R Mastandueno, Bustin J, Cetkovich M.  Psychiatrists approach to vascular risk assessment in Latin America. World Journal of Psichiatry 2014

El articulo analiza a través de una encuesta a 1185 médicos generalistas y 792 psiquiatras latinoamericanos la diferencia en el abordaje en relación a los factores de riesgo vascular de estos profesionales de la salud ante pacientes en tratamiento con antipsicóticos.