Bekinschtein T, Diego Golombek, Simonetta S, Coleman MR, Manes F.  Circadian rhythms in the vegetative state. Brain Injury 2009

Bekinschtein T, Diego Golombek, Simonetta S, Coleman MR, Manes F.  Circadian rhythms in the vegetative state. Brain Injury 2009

Circadian rhythms in the vegetative state.

Autores Bekinschtein T, Diego Golombek, Simonetta S, Coleman MR, Manes F. 
Año 2009
Journal  Bekinschtein T, Diego Golombek, Simonetta S, Coleman MR, Manes F. 
Volumen 23(11): 915-919
Abstract  OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether vegetative state patients maintain circadian rhythms. RESEARCH DESIGN: An observational study of five single cases. METHODS AND PROCEDURES:Five chronic vegetative state patients underwent clinical and neurological evaluations and 2-week continuous temperature measurements. MAIN OUTCOMES AND RESULTS: The two patients with traumatic brain injury showed well-formed circadian temperature rhythms and had more reflexive behaviours and relatively low cortical and sub-cortical atrophy, whereas the three patients from anoxic-hypoxic origin demonstrated no cycles or rhythmic behaviour. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of periods of wakefulness does not imply preserved sleep-wake cycling capacity, nor preserved circadian rhythms and it should not be taken as a distinguishing feature for the definition of the vegetative state.
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