Brain oscillations, inhibition and social inappropriateness in frontotemporal degeneration. Ibáñez A. 2018

Brain oscillations, inhibition and social inappropriateness in frontotemporal degeneration. Ibáñez A. 2018

AUTOR Ibáñez A.
AÑO 2018
VOLUMEN September 12, 2018
ABSTRACT Changes in cortical oscillatory dynamics are associated with both disinhibition and social cognition impairments in frontotemporal dementia. Thus, brain oscillations indexing behavioural control would provide a neuropathological pathway tackling different sources of impaired control in bvFTD. Here, I propose a new agenda pointing to a potential general oscillatory mechanism of control underlying motor, behavioural and social inappropriateness in frontotemporal degeneration. Frontal oscillatory networks (in particular at beta band) may index a general mechanism of impaired control underlying multiple deficits in bvFTD. Thus, multiple impaired behaviors (contextual inappropriateness, social disinhibition, impulsive behavior) in bvFTD could be partially explained by a common underlying mechanism involved in behavioural inhibition and social cognition.
RESUMEN Un sello distintivo de la demencia frontotemporal (FTD) es la afectación de múltiples dominios cognitivos, incluidos los déficits en cognición social e inhibición (DCSI). Sin embargo, no existen a la fecha modelos disponibles que expliquen de forma integrada dichos déficits. Este trabajo propone un modelo neurocognitivo mediante oscilaciones cerebrales como vía neuropatológica común en la FTD para entender los DCSI.
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