Cetkovich-Bakmas. M. Differentiated Psychopathology and Molecular Genetics of Endogenous Psychosis: Much More than a Misunderstanding. Acta Psychopathologica. 2015.

Cetkovich-Bakmas. M. Differentiated Psychopathology and Molecular Genetics of Endogenous Psychosis: Much More than a Misunderstanding. Acta Psychopathologica. 2015.

Differentiated Psychopathology and Molecular Genetics of Endogenous Psychosis: Much More than a Misunderstanding.

Autores Cetkovich-Bakmas. M
Año 2015
Journal Acta Psychopathologica
Volumen 2015. Vol 1, N 3:26
Abstract The search for biological basis of psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia, means a big endeavour that cope with a myriad of complex issues: Brain structure, chemistry, connectivity, genetics and development; environmental normal and noxious stimuli including early childbearing and trauma; Effects of drugs of abuse and modern lifestyles and threatens; manifold psychopathological manifestations of every condition, including the way they change our mode of being in the world; Complex environmental/genetic interactions; Effect of psychotropic and psychotherapeutic interventions. This is only a sketch of the universe we are dealing with. But modern psychiatry has been tempted several times to make simpler the complex in attempts to gain knowledge. Psychopathology of endogenous psychosis, and its complex relationships with biology, particularly genetics, is a good example.
Resumen Editorial donde se discuten las dificultades y malos entendidos que rodean al tema de la arquitectura fenotípica (clínica) y genética de las psicosis. Se revisan los antecedentes  de la denominada Psicopatología Diferencial y datos recientes de estudios genéticos amplios que  confirman que la heterogeneidad clínica se corresponde con heterogeneidad etiopatogénica.
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