Roca M, Torralva T, López PL, Marengo E, Cetkovich M, Manes F.  Differentiating early dementia from major depression with the Spanish version of the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination. Revista Neurológica 2008

Roca M, Torralva T, López PL, Marengo E, Cetkovich M, Manes F.  Differentiating early dementia from major depression with the Spanish version of the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination. Revista Neurológica 2008

Differentiating early dementia from major depression with the Spanish version of the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination.

Autores Roca M, Torralva T, López PL, Marengo E, Cetkovich M, Manes F. 
Año 2008
Journal  Roca M, Torralva T, López PL, Marengo E, Cetkovich M, Manes F. 
Volumen 46(6): 340-343
Abstract  NTRODUCTION: In clinical practice it is often difficult to establish whether cognitive impairment is secondary to an affective disorder or a dementing process. AIM: To describe the cognitive performance on the Spanish version of the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (ACE) of patients with early dementia and depression. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: 77 patients with early dementia (53 Alzheimer disease; 24 frontotemporal dementia), 17 patients with major depression and 54 healthy volunteers were tested with the Spanish version of the ACE. RESULTS: Alzheimer disease and frontotemporal dementia groups were significantly lower than the control group and the major depression group. When the major depression group was compared with the control group no significant differences were found. CONCLUSIONS: The cognitive performance in the ACE is different in patients with early dementia and patient with depression.
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