Sedeño L, Couto JB, Melloni M, Canales-Johnson AF, Yoris A, Velásquez M, Barttfeld P, Sigman M, Kichic R, Bekinschtein T, Ibanez A.  How do you feel when you can’t feel your body?: Interoception, functional connectivity and emotional processing in Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder. PloS One 2014 9:e98769 10.1371/journal.pone.0098769

Sedeño L, Couto JB, Melloni M, Canales-Johnson AF, Yoris A, Velásquez M, Barttfeld P, Sigman M, Kichic R, Bekinschtein T, Ibanez A.  How do you feel when you can’t feel your body?: Interoception, functional connectivity and emotional processing in Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder. PloS One 2014 9:e98769 10.1371/journal.pone.0098769

How do you feel when you can’t feel your body?: Interoception, functional connectivity and emotional processing in Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder.

Autores: Sedeño L, Couto JB, Melloni M, Canales-Johnson AF, Yoris A, Velásquez M, Barttfeld P, Sigman M, Kichic R, Bekinschtein T, Ibanez A. 

Revista: PloS One

Año: 2014

Volumen: 9:e98769


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