Bekinschtein T, Shalom D, Forcato C, Herrera M, Coleman MR, Manes F, Sigman M.  Classical conditioning in the vegetative and minimally conscious state. Nature Neuroscience 2009 12(10): 1343-1349

Bekinschtein T, Shalom D, Forcato C, Herrera M, Coleman MR, Manes F, Sigman M.  Classical conditioning in the vegetative and minimally conscious state. Nature Neuroscience 2009 12(10): 1343-1349

Classical conditioning in the vegetative and minimally conscious state.

Autores: Bekinschtein T, Shalom D, Forcato C, Herrera M, Coleman MR, Manes F, Sigman M. 

Revista: Nature Neuroscience

Año: 2009

Volumen: 12(10): 1343-1349

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