Ceric F, Hurtado E, Gonzalez R, Navarro, Manes F, Ibanez A.  Performance errors of ingroup/outgroup stimuli and valence association in the implicit association task: brain bias of ingroup favoritism. The Open Neouroscience Journal 2011

Ceric F, Hurtado E, Gonzalez R, Navarro, Manes F, Ibanez A.  Performance errors of ingroup/outgroup stimuli and valence association in the implicit association task: brain bias of ingroup favoritism. The Open Neouroscience Journal 2011

Performance errors of ingroup/outgroup stimuli and valence association in the implicit association task: brain bias of ingroup favoritism.

Autores Ceric F, Hurtado E, Gonzalez R, Navarro, Manes F, Ibanez A. 
Año 2011
Journal  Ceric F, Hurtado E, Gonzalez R, Navarro, Manes F, Ibanez A. 
Volumen 2011(5): 16-23
Abstract  The goal of this study is to assess the role of membership and valence effects on errors performed in a racial implicit association test indexed by event-related potentials (ERPs). Non-indigenous participants performed an implicit association test (IAT) paradigm emphasizing the feedback of error due to misclassification of ingroup (non-indigenous) and outgroup (indigenous) faces as well as positive and negative words. As expected, participants responded to the compatible task with higher accuracy than to incompatible tasks. This is the first report demonstrating that IAT errors produce electrophysiological ERP modulation. Our results suggest that medial frontal negativity is modulated not only by IAT error of membership and valence classifications but also by IAT compatible and incompatible tasks. These results provide a basis for the future use of the misclassification error in the IAT recorded simultaneously with ERPs in other classic social psychology contexts.
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