Ciampa MA, Roca M, Torralva T, Lischinsky A, Manes F, Camino J. Specific work integration program with a patient with traumatic brain injury. J Neurol Ther. 2016.

Ciampa MA, Roca M, Torralva T, Lischinsky A, Manes F, Camino J. Specific work integration program with a patient with traumatic brain injury. J Neurol Ther. 2016.

Specific work integration program with a patient with traumatic brain injury.

Autores Ciampa MA, Roca M, Torralva T, Lischinsky A, Manes F, Camino J.
Año 2016
Journal  J Neurol Ther
Volumen Volume 2
Abstract Introduction: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the principal causes of disability among young adults. It can lead to physical, behavioural and cognitive impairments that affect functional performance, interpersonal relationships, social participation and work reintegration. Return to work is one of the main concerns with patients who have TBI. This depends on several aspects due to the complexity of the skills involved; and their interaction with the client´s impairment. Objective: We report the case of a Specific Work Integration Program in a patient with TBI. Methods: Mr. JC, 30-year-old patient, suffered a TBI in a car accident. The Specific Work Training Program described, consisted of different stages: assessment, interview and training. Specific questionnaires were designed, according to the patient´s skills and work requirements. Based on the data collected, particular goals were established and intervention strategies were developed. Results: Through work samples, it was possible to identify achievements in the following items: Supervision acceptance, security, tools identification, decision making and pace. Furthermore, a progressive improvement was observed in the number of tasks performed. Conclusions: The development of a specific program that involves an objective assessment of the workstation, as well as structured questionnaires, helps identify real limitations at the workplace.
Resumen El presente trabajo reporta el caso de un Programa Específico de Integración Laboral de un paciente que ha sufrido un TEC. A lo largo del mismo, se exponen las distintas etapas y sus resultados: Evaluación, Preparación para Entrevista, Entrenamiento Laboral y Reevaluación. El desarrollo de un programa de intervención específico permite la realización de intervenciones pertinentes que tienden a detectar la limitación real en el desempeño funcional laboral y de esta manera planificar y llevar a cabo estrategias que favorezcan la participación de los pacientes y su exitosa inserción.
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