Core Semantic Links or Lexical Associations: Assessing the Nature of Responses in Word Association Tasks. Vivas L, Manoiloff L, García AM, Lizarralde F, Vivas J. 2018

Core Semantic Links or Lexical Associations: Assessing the Nature of Responses in Word Association Tasks. Vivas L, Manoiloff L, García AM, Lizarralde F, Vivas J. 2018

AUTORES Vivas L, Manoiloff L, García AM, Lizarralde F, Vivas J.
AÑO 2018
JOURNAL Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
VOLUMEN September 17, 2018
ABSTRACT The processes tapped by the widely-used word association (WA) paradigm remain a matter of debate: while some authors consider them as driven by lexical co-occurrences, others emphasize the role of meaning-based connections. To test these contrastive hypotheses, we analyzed responses in a WA task in terms of their normative defining features (those describing the object denoted by the cue word). Results indicate that 72.5% of the responses had medium-to-high coincidence with such defining semantic features. Moreover, 75.51% of responses had medium-to-high values of Relevance (a measure of the importance of the feature for construing a given concept). Furthermore, most responses (62.7%) referred to elements of the situation in which the concept usually appears, followed by sensory properties (e.g., color) of the denoted object (27.86%). These results suggest that the processes behind WA tasks involve a reactivation of the cue item’s semantic properties, particularly those most relevant to its core meaning.
RESUMEN En este estudio investigamos la naturaleza de las respuestas obtenidas mediante el paradigma de asociación de palabras, en el cual los participantes deben producir el primer vocablo que les viene a la mente al presentársele otro como estímulo. Nuestros resultados muestran que la vasta mayoría de las respuestas se corresponden con atributos semánticos definitorios de la palabra estímulo, sobre todo aquellos con alta relevancia para concebir el concepto en cuestión. Así, parece que la asociación de palabras depende más de conexiones a nivel semántico que de lazos a nivel de la forma léxica.
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