Crespo-Facorro B, Manes F, Plebst C, Morcuende M.  Neuropsychiatric effects of insular stroke. Biological markers of schizophrenic symptoms: functional neuroimaging. Actas luso-españolas de neurología, psiquiatría y ciencias afines 1998

Crespo-Facorro B, Manes F, Plebst C, Morcuende M.  Neuropsychiatric effects of insular stroke. Biological markers of schizophrenic symptoms: functional neuroimaging. Actas luso-españolas de neurología, psiquiatría y ciencias afines 1998

Neuropsychiatric effects of insular stroke. Biological markers of schizophrenic symptoms: functional neuroimaging.

Autores Crespo-Facorro B, Manes F, Plebst C, Morcuende M. 
Año 1998
Journal  Crespo-Facorro B, Manes F, Plebst C, Morcuende M. 
Volumen 26(5): 309-314
Abstract  Despite heterogeneous phenotype, lack of pathognomonic symptoms and great variability of symptoms during the course of the illness, functional neuroimaging studies have showed specific patterns of activation associated to particular schizophrenic symptoms or symptom dimensions. Negative symptoms have been associated to hypofrontality; auditory hallucinations seem to be related to abnormalities in brain regions involved in language and, reality distortion dimension has been associated to left temporal lobe impairments.
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