Dr. Mike Gazzaniga en Argentina

Dr. Mike Gazzaniga en Argentina


El Dr. Mike Gazzaniga, padre de las neurociencias cognitivas y líder pionero en este campo, visita por primera vez la Argentina para compartir su experiencia en el estudio del cerebro.

A Unified Mind in a Specialized Brain

An ever-growing body of literature indicates that the segregation of neural processing into specialized neural regions is an essential aspect of cerebral organization. However, the integrative, multi-modal nature of cognitive processes which occur within the realm of conscious awareness appear to require a functional architecture which overcomes this modular segregation of function. We present a model which attempts to span this dichotomy, proposing that conscious experience emerges from the dynamic interactions of specialized component processes via a distributed neuronal network. Such a model offers a promising mechanism to explain a variety of empirical observations of the neural correlates of perceptual awareness, cognitive function, and symptoms of neurological dam age.

Para más info o confirmar el pago de la inscripción, escribir a info@ineco.org.ar o comunicarse por teléfono al (11) 4812-0010 – La conferencia se llevará a cabo en el Auditorio de la Sociedad Científica Argentina (Av. Santa Fé 1154, Capital Federal) – Se entregan diplomas de asistencia

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