Frontostriatal atrophy disrupts language embodiment in Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease. Birba A, García-Cordero I, Kozono G, Legaz A, Ibáñez A, Sedeño L, García AM. 2017

Frontostriatal atrophy disrupts language embodiment in Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease. Birba A, García-Cordero I, Kozono G, Legaz A, Ibáñez A, Sedeño L, García AM. 2017

AUTORES Birba A, García-Cordero I, Kozono G, Legaz A, Ibáñez A, Sedeño L, García AM.
AÑO 2017
JOURNAL Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews
VOLUMEN September, 2017
ABSTRACT Within the language domain, movement disorders triggered by frontostriatal damage are characterized by deficits in action verbs, motor-language coupling, and syntax. However, these impairments have not been jointly interpreted under a unifying rationale or integratively assessed in terms of possible clinical implications. To bridge these gaps, here we introduce the “disrupted motor grounding hypothesis”, a new framework to conceive such impairments as disturbances of embodied mechanisms (high-order domains based on the recycling of functionally germane sensorimotor circuits). We focus on two relevant lesion models: Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease. First, we describe the physiopathology of both conditions as models of progressive frontostriatal impairment. Then, we summarize works assessing action language, motor-language coupling, and syntax in samples at early and preclinical disease stages. To conclude, we discuss the implications of the evidence for neurolinguistic modeling, identify key issues to be addressed in future research, and discuss potential clinical implications. In brief, our work seeks to open new theoretical and translational avenues for embodied cognition research.
RESUMEN En esta revisión, demostramos que la atrofia de las redes frontoestriadas en las enfermedades de Parkinson y Huntington afecta tres dominios lingüísticos corporizados: el lenguaje de acción, su integración con movimientos corporales, y el procesamiento sintáctico. En particular, dado que estos déficits se manifiestan independientemente de otros trastornos cognitivos y son identificables en etapas tempranas y aun preclínicas, podrían constituir biomarcadores sensibles  de ambos cuadros. Bajo esa lógica, se delinean avenidas teóricas y traslacionales para la investigación en el marco de la cognición corporizada.
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