Ibanez A, Manes F.  Contextual social cognition and the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia. Neurology 2012

Ibanez A, Manes F.  Contextual social cognition and the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia. Neurology 2012

Contextual social cognition and the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia.

Autores Ibanez A, Manes F. 
Año 2012
Journal  Ibanez A, Manes F. 
Volumen 78(17): 1354-1362
Abstract  The significance of social situations is commonly context-embedded. Although the role of context has been extensively studied in basic sensory processing or simple stimulus-response settings, its relevance for social cognition is unknown. We propose the social context network model (SCNM), a fronto-insular-temporal network responsible for processing social contextual effects. The SCNM may 1) update the context and use it to make predictions, 2) coordinate internal and external milieus, and 3) consolidate context-target associative learning. We suggest the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) as a specific disorder in which the reported deficits in social cognition (e.g., facial recognition, empathy, decision-making, figurative language, theory of mind) can be described as context impairments due to deficits in the SCNM. Disruption of orbitofrontal-amygdala circuit, as well as the frontal, temporal, and insular atrophy in bVFTD, suggests a relationship between context-sensitive social cognition and SCNM. In considering context as an intrinsic part of social cognition, we highlight the need for a situated cognition approach in social cognition research as opposed to an abstract, universal, and decontextualized approach. The assessment of context-dependent social cognition paradigms, the SCNM, and their possible application to neuropsychiatric disorders may provide new insight into bvFTD and other related frontal disorders.
Otra información  En este trabajo mostramos como las medidas de cognición social que utilizan claves contextuales son más sensibles para determinar déficits específicos en diversos dominios de cognición social, tanto en la esquizofrenia como en el trastorno bipolar. Las tareas de cognición social que empleaban información explícita y manejo de reglas abstractas no resultaron sensibles para distinguir grupos


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