Roca M, Manes F, Chade AR, Gleichgerrcht E, Gershanik O, Gómez Arévalo G, Torralva T, Duncan J.  The relationship between executive functions and fluid intelligence in Parkinson’s disease. Psychological Medicine 2012 42(11):2445-52 10.1017/S0033291712000451

Roca M, Manes F, Chade AR, Gleichgerrcht E, Gershanik O, Gómez Arévalo G, Torralva T, Duncan J.  The relationship between executive functions and fluid intelligence in Parkinson’s disease. Psychological Medicine 2012 42(11):2445-52 10.1017/S0033291712000451

The relationship between executive functions and fluid intelligence in Parkinson’s disease.

Autores: Roca M, Manes F, Chade AR, Gleichgerrcht E, Gershanik O, Gómez Arévalo G, Torralva T, Duncan J. 

Revista: Psychological Medicine

Año: 2012

Volumen: 42(11):2445-52


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